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Eclipse Attack

A type of network attack where the malicious intenders are the majority of peers on the network and monopolize it. This action prevents certain nodes from receiving information.


The process of turning coherent information into indiscernible information. This is done for security reasons related to unauthorized availability to the data.


Refers to communication touchpoints between an API and a server. An endpoint is the point of entry in a communication channel when two systems are interacting. All APIs use endpoints to operate properly.

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA)

An organization that empowers the Ethereum ecosystem and enables other organizations to adopt and use the Ethereum technology in their day-to-day business.


A time frame in Ethereum consisting of 6.4 minutes, which has 32 slots, where each slot is 12 seconds. A single block can be created for each slot. The first slot of every epoch is a checkpoint where previous blocks can become verified and finalized.


The standard protocol for the issuing and implementing of tokens on the Ethereum blockchain since 2015.


Represents a non-fungible token standard which allows the implementation of a standard API for such tokens within smart contracts.


The official currency and transaction token of the Ethereum network.

Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain and the second largest in the world after Bitcoin. Still, it is the most used blockchain in the world. Ethereum was created in 2014 by programmer Vitalik Buterin. It’s currency is the Ether. Unlike Bitcoin, ETH can store and execute smart contracts.

Ethereum Classic (ETC)

Ethereum Classic is the original Ethereum blockchain. It has higher security than ETH but doesn't perform as well. Unlike ETH, Ethereum Classic uses Proof of Work, instead of Proof of Stake as a consensus mechanism.

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

An Ethereum Virtual Machine executes code in random algorithmic complexity and is used for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Its code is isolated, as it’s not in contact with any other processes, networks, or filesystems. An EVM allows developers to create DApps (decentralized applications).


A marketplace for cryptocurrency where users can trade digital currency for other assets, e.g. generic fiat money or other digital currencies.

External account/ Externally Owned Account (EOA)

One of the types of accounts that Ethereum uses. External accounts are controlled by public-private key pairs and the user can send ether and messages from such an account only if they own that private key associated.

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